Call number specification | M 005a/D: „O nocích, jež měkkými křídly choré srdce objímají“
M 005b/D: „Arabeska“
M 005c/D: Dead Love, H 44
M 005d/D: From Andersen’s Fairy-Tales, H 42
M 005e/D: The End of All, H 43
M 005f/D: The Rose, H 54
M 005g/D: That's All What Remains, H 55
M 005h/D: Tears, H 41
M 005i/D: Ballad of Miss Vilma’s Umbrella, H 65
M 005j/D: „Legenda“
M 005k/D: Jašek’s Song, H 37 (“I am Striding, Striding between the Hills”)
M 005l/D: Chanson, H 65bis
M 005m/D: Early in the Morning, I Weed the Grain, H 49 („Plečka“)
+ unidentified sketches |